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This flame inside – Amberlife

My flame‘s burning bright,
It is inside, in my veins.
She asks: “Are you alright?“
And I call down on my pain…

The revelations – Amberlife

Now I’m looking for
Ways to change all this world
And nothing more
Won’t you gnaw me for these thoughts?

Summerland – Amberlife

Day light catch me
Take me to the place I need
Call me and ask me
Let me feel the way you feel

Stayer – Amberlife

It is great to be alone
You could see that wait full ghosts
And could write the fine as browse
That’s when people stay at home

Save my time – Amberlife

Yesterday, like today…
Every day, there‘s something special…
..poring over, shaping a song… it‘s the same
All the while, feeling high,

No longer – Amberlife

I’ve killed my pain tonight,
I’ve burned the bridge to your heart…
I just don’t wanna fight,
I’ve burned the flag of our happiness…

My way – Amberlife

Years are gone for me so past
Days are running will be last

But you will be forever in my mind
Will never be place

My lover’s gone – Amberlife

Like the wind’s turning round me
Like the leave’s falling on me
Like you twisted before the leaving
Shut the door

Messenger – Amberlife

Stay still do be still
No wonder you are always lost
If a messenger you must be known
Then with messages you must return

Just minds – Amberlife

It’s me and I wrote you a song
All this is because of your fault
I know that I’m always alone
Maybe, but it’s hard to say “no”